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Commodore BASIC  |  1986-01-01  |  2.4 KB  |  78 lines

  1. 0 rem mad poet
  2. 1 poke53281,1:poke53280,6:printchr$(142)"[147][144]"spc(9)"**  the mad poet  **"
  3. 2 print""spc(10)"by william barton"
  4. 3 gosub50000:print"[144]"
  5. 5 dimn%(27):c=36879:sh=36864
  6. 10 v=c-1:s4=c-2:s3=c-3:s2=c-4:s1=c-5:sv=sh+1:sc=sh+2:sr=sh+3:va=peek(sc)
  7. 15 pokec,234:pokes1,201:pokes4,201
  8. 20 forx=0to22:pokesc,peek(sc)and128orx:pokesr,peek(sr)and129or(x*2)
  9. 25 pokesv,69-(x*2):pokesh,17-int(x/2):pokev,int(x/2):next
  10. 30 pokev,0:pokes1,0:pokes4,0:pokesh,5:pokesv,25:pokesc,va:pokesr,46
  11. 35 fort=1to140:readw$:next
  12. 40 fort=0to27:readw:n%(t)=w:next:w=0
  13. 45 print"[147]"spc(9)"**  the mad poet  **"
  14. 50 printspc(10)"by william barton"
  15. 65 restore
  16. 70 gosub50000:print"":fory=1to4:printchr$(13)
  17. 75 print"";:forz=1to7:gosub100:next:ify=2thenprint"[157],"
  18. 80 next:print"[157]."
  19. 81 print"hit space[146] for next poem...":gosub135
  20. 82 print"<'q' to quit>"
  21. 85 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:ifa$<>"q"anda$<>" "then85
  22. 86 ifa$="q"thengosub60000:goto81
  23. 90 restore
  24. 95 goto45
  25. 100 x=int(rnd(ti)*5)+1:fort=1tox:readw$:next
  26. 105 ifpos(x)+len(w$)>30thenprintchr$(13)tab(14);
  27. 110 printw$chr$(32);:gosub135:ifright$(w$,1)="-"thenprint"[157]";
  28. 115 ifx=5then125
  29. 120 fort=1to5-x:readw$:next
  30. 125 return
  31. 135 pokev,15:pokes2,n%(w):pokes3,n%(w):foru=1ton%(w+1):next
  32. 140 pokev,0:pokes2,0:pokes3,0:ifn%(w+2)=-1thenw=0:return
  33. 145 w=w+2:return
  34. 150 gosub135:return
  35. 200 data we,i,he,they,she
  36. 205 data went,ran,fled,flew,soared
  37. 210 data wandering,gibbering,scuttling,trembling,shuddering
  38. 215 data across,along,into,above,below
  39. 220 data the,this,some,a,that
  40. 225 data sparkling,glittering,shimmering,towering,ravishing
  41. 230 data strand,land,band,hand,strand
  42. 235 data of,of,of,of,of
  43. 240 data sand-,mad-,dark-,bright-,death-
  44. 245 data stars,kings,clouds,wings,men
  45. 250 data set,drunk,drowned,flat,left
  46. 255 data in,on,by,near,in
  47. 260 data the,this,some,a,that
  48. 265 data sea,lea,tree,key,sea
  49. 270 data from,by,with,of,from
  50. 275 data the,this,some,a,that
  51. 280 data shreiking,sinking,hollow,merry,sordid
  52. 285 data land,maze,place,box,cage
  53. 290 data of,of,of,of,of
  54. 295 data kings,lords,minds,hordes,dogs
  55. 300 data so grand,command,demand,in sand,remand
  56. 305 data that,so,when,so,that
  57. 310 data they,all,we,all,they
  58. 315 data lived,died,ate,grew,shone
  59. 320 data by,from,on,by,from
  60. 325 data the,the,the,the,the
  61. 330 data forever,alien,smoldering,wallowing,simpering
  62. 335 data tree,scree,sea,tea,tree
  63. 345 data 217,400,227,400,227,200,217,400
  64. 350 data 213,400,234,200,234,200,227,400
  65. 355 data 223,400,230,400,230,400,217,400
  66. 360 data 213,600,-1,-1
  67. 50000 rem  border
  68. 50010 a$="":forx=1to40:a$=a$+"*":next:a$=left$(a$,40)
  69. 50020 print""a$;:forx=1to23:print"*"spc(38)"*";:next:printleft$(a$,39)"";
  70. 50030 poke2023,42:poke56295,peek(55296)
  71. 50040 poke646,0:fori=217to242:pokei,peek(i)or128:next:return
  72. 60000 rem re-connect
  73. 60010 print"[147]quit for sure?"
  74. 60012 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"n"then60012
  75. 60014 ifa$="n"thenreturn
  76. 60030 poke646,peek(53281):f$="hello connect"
  77. 60040 print"[147]load f$,8":print"run":poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end